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Back Pain explained

Back Pain explained

Low back pain is the most common, most disabling and most costly health condition in Australia. The quality of life of some 31% of Australians is affected by low back pain. Chiropractic care when combined with exercise has been shown to be effective in managing low...

Neck Pain explained

Neck Pain explained

The neck consists of 7 bones, which are called vertebrae and they are numbered from C1 to C7. The ‘C’ comes from the anatomical word for neck, known as the cervical spine. The neck performs many movements in multiple directions, including forward bending, backward...

‘That Something”

‘That Something”

The Story of ‘That Something’ By B.J. Palmer (Developer of Chiropractic) The Bigness of the Fellow Within - 1949 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then Randolph turned to me. “Man, write that story you’ve told us. Write it so that every man may read. Send that message...

222 – 242 Billion

222 – 242 Billion

If I brush my arm, 50 000 skin cells fall off and die.  There are four logical responses that can occur.  Option one, only 25 000 new cells are created to replace them, meaning a loss, I have atrophy.  Option two, 100 000 new cells are created, meaning growth, I have...



‘There is only one solution - get down from the head and into the heart’ - Vasant Lad The word ‘yoga’ means to yoke - which means to join, integrate or unite. Yoga helps to bring together the aspects of ourselves (physical body, energy, mind + spirit) that were in...

Experimenters and Breakers-with-tradition

Experimenters and Breakers-with-tradition

“Life would be dull indeed without experimenters and courageous breakers-with-traditions” (Marie Bullock)   We’re the first generation not expected to outlive our parents.  Our genetics haven’t changed substantially enough in one generation to account for this...

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